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Heatwave Electrical

Design & Build

414 Tuam St, Christchurch

New Zealand

Phone: +64 021987146

Phone 2 : 0800123125

Started in 2018 by best mates, experts in their fields with a goal to provide a top quality experience for their clients by doing great work with quality products and standing behind every job they do. They grew and took on some younger staff to teach them which has now grown to a team of 6 great guys, with a passion for quality and doing great work. Heatwave Electrical can service a range of different projects, whether its a small heatpump in a bedroom or a whole school, changing a light switch or a full architectually designed house.

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Zenbu ID 1315971, since 30/11/2022
Last edited 30/11/2022 by heatwaveelectrical
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