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Real Fencing Christchurch

aluminium fencing , Christchurch fencing, fence builders, Fence painting, fence repairs, fences Christchurch, fencing contractor Christchurch, timber fences, timber fencing


New Zealand

Phone: 03 660 1215

Opening Hours: Mon-Sat: 8am-6pm

At Real Fencing we offer top-notch fence services in Christchurch. We specialize in both the installation and repair of fences, catering to the diverse needs of residents in the area. With our strong emphasis on quality and craftsmanship, we ensure that every fence we work on is solid, well-crafted, and built to last.
Operating for several decades, our experienced team of Christchurch fence builders has gained extensive expertise in delivering fences that provide comfort, security, and peace of mind. We understand the significance of a reliable barrier between one’s property and the outside world, which is why customer satisfaction and safety are our top priorities.
Our website showcases our commitment to excellence. From simple repairs to complex installations, there is no job too big or small for us. Our comprehensive range of services caters to a variety of requirements, ensuring that we meet our customers’ specific needs effectively.
We understand that each project is unique, which is why we strive to exceed expectations with every new fence we build. By utilizing high-quality materials and employing skilled craftsmen, we deliver fences that not only meet but surpass customer expectations.
With “Fencing Christchurch” as one of our primary keywords, we have established ourselves as a trusted provider in the industry. Our dedication to providing exceptional service has earned us a stellar reputation among residents seeking reliable fencing solutions in Christchurch.
In summary, Real Fencing is an established company specializing in fencing services in Christchurch. Our experienced team offers top-quality fencing installation and repair services aimed at creating solid and durable fences. With our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction and safety, we consistently go above and beyond to deliver outstanding results that exceed expectations.

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Zenbu ID 1322188, since 21/05/2023
Last edited 07/07/2023 by realfencing
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Latitude, Longitude = -43.532021, 172.630559
Region : Canterbury
City : Christchurch
Neighborhood : Christchurch Central

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