Zenbu Categories
Zenbu uses a category system based on the open licensed schemas of www.schema.org.
In particular we use an extended subset of the Place and Organization types. Zenbu has 176 active categories.
Each entry can have multiple categories. The category listed first is the primary category.
- Category: Description
- AccountingService:
Accountancy business (356)
- AdultEntertainment:
An adult entertainment establishment (228)
- Airport:
An airport (209)
- AmusementPark:
An amusement park (9)
- AnimalShelter:
Animal shelter (18)
- Aquarium:
Aquarium (4)
- ArtGallery:
An art gallery (155)
- Attorney:
Professional service: Attorney (621)
- AutoBodyShop:
Auto body shop (72)
- AutoDealer:
An car dealership (922)
- AutomatedTeller:
ATM/cash machine (1500)
- AutomotiveBusiness:
Car repair, sales, or parts (738)
- AutoPartsStore:
An auto parts store (371)
- AutoRental:
A car rental business (367)
- AutoRepair:
Car repair business (1226)
- AutoWash:
A car wash business (66)
- Bakery:
A bakery (1227)
- BankOrCreditUnion:
Bank or credit union (1212)
- BarOrPub:
A bar or pub (1749)
- Beach:
Beach (15)
- BeautySalon:
Beauty salon (406)
- BedAndBreakfast:
Bed and breakfast (755)
- BikeStore:
A bike store (163)
- BookStore:
A bookstore (496)
- BowlingAlley:
A bowling alley (19)
- Brewery:
Brewery (31)
- BuddhistTemple:
A Buddhist temple (3)
- BusStation:
A bus station (25)
- BusStop:
A bus stop (81)
- CafeOrCoffeeShop:
A cafe or coffee shop (3482)
- Campground:
A campground (67)
- Casino:
A casino (68)
- CatholicChurch:
A Catholic church (7)
- Cemetery:
A graveyard (191)
- ChildCare:
A Childcare center (1391)
- Church:
A church (568)
- CityHall:
A city hall (28)
- CivicStructure:
A public structure, such as a town hall or concert hall (8)
- CivicStructure/BoatRamp:
Boat Ramp (411)
- CivicStructure/PublicPhone:
Public Phone or Payphone (2729)
- CivicStructure/Toilet:
Public toilets (954)
- ClothingStore:
A clothing store (2750)
- CollegeOrUniversity:
A college, university, or other third-level educational institution (132)
- ComedyClub:
A comedy club (2)
- ComputerStore:
A computer store (192)
- ConvenienceStore:
A convenience store (1766)
- Corporation:
Organization: A business corporation (520)
- Courthouse:
A courthouse (5)
- Crematorium:
A crematorium (6)
- DaySpa:
A day spa (63)
- DefenceEstablishment:
A defence establishment, such as an army or navy base (3)
- Dentist:
A dentist (874)
- DepartmentStore:
A department store (329)
- DryCleaningOrLaundry:
A dry-cleaning business (148)
- EducationalOrganization:
An educational organization (962)
- Electrician:
An electrician (849)
- ElectronicsStore:
An electronics store (546)
- ElementarySchool:
An elementary school (2075)
- Embassy:
An embassy (1)
- EmergencyService:
An emergency service, such as a fire station or ER (189)
- EmploymentAgency:
An employment agency (167)
- EntertainmentBusiness:
A business providing entertainment (205)
- EventVenue:
An event venue (124)
- ExerciseGym:
A gym (244)
- FastFoodRestaurant:
A fast-food restaurant (3203)
- FinancialService:
Financial services business (475)
- FireStation:
A fire station. With firemen (442)
- Florist:
A florist (395)
- FoodEstablishment:
A food-related business (716)
- FurnitureStore:
A furniture store (621)
- GardenStore:
A garden store (213)
- GasStation:
A gas station (1692)
- GeneralContractor:
A general contractor (298)
- GolfCourse:
A golf course (422)
- GovernmentBuilding:
A government building (8)
- GovernmentOffice:
A government office-for example, an IRS or DMV office (11)
- GovernmentOrganization:
A governmental organization or agency (426)
- GroceryStore:
A grocery store (1182)
- HairSalon:
A hair salon (3024)
- HardwareStore:
A hardware store (924)
- HealthAndBeautyBusiness:
Health and beauty (1013)
- HealthClub:
A health club (360)
- HighSchool:
A high school (405)
- HinduTemple:
A Hindu temple (0)
- HobbyShop:
A hobby store (39)
- HomeAndConstructionBusiness:
A construction business (2270)
- HomeGoodsStore:
A home goods store (665)
- Hospital:
A hospital (193)
- Hostel:
A hostel (423)
- Hotel:
A hotel (511)
- HousePainter:
A house painting service (173)
- HVACBusiness:
An HVAC service (319)
- IceCreamShop:
An ice cream shop (152)
- InsuranceAgency:
Insurance agency (286)
- InternetCafe:
An internet cafe (49)
- JewelryStore:
A jewelry store (502)
- LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings:
An historical landmark or building (1023)
- LegislativeBuilding:
A legislative building-for example, the state capitol (5)
- Library:
A library (226)
- LiquorStore:
A liquor store (771)
- LocalBusiness:
A particular physical business or branch of an organization. Examples of LocalBusiness include a restaurant, a particular branch of a restaurant chain, a branch of a bank, a medical practice, a club, a bowling alley, etc (2331)
- Locksmith:
A locksmith (148)
- LodgingBusiness:
A lodging business, such as a motel, hotel, or inn (5247)
- MedicalClinic:
A medical clinic (904)
- MedicalOrganization:
A medical organization, such as a doctor's office or clinic (700)
- MensClothingStore:
A men's clothing store (260)
- MiddleSchool:
A middle school (1339)
- MobilePhoneStore:
A mobile-phone store (321)
- Mosque:
A mosque (35)
- Motel:
A motel (1358)
- MotorcycleDealer:
A motorcycle dealer (62)
- MotorcycleRepair:
A motorcycle repair shop (33)
- MovieRentalStore:
A movie rental store (307)
- MovieTheater:
A movie theater (101)
- MovingCompany:
A moving company (103)
- Museum:
A museum (91)
- MusicStore:
A music store (107)
- MusicVenue:
A music venue (18)
- NailSalon:
A nail salon (102)
- NGO:
Organization: Non-governmental Organization (166)
- NightClub:
A nightclub or discotheque (6)
- Notary:
A notary (1)
- OfficeEquipmentStore:
An office equipment store (279)
- Optician:
An optician's store (421)
- OutletStore:
An outlet store (23)
- Park:
A park (2677)
- ParkingFacility:
A parking lot or other parking facility (404)
- PawnShop:
A pawnstore (17)
- PerformingArtsTheater:
A theatre or other performing art center (37)
- PetStore:
A pet store (134)
- Pharmacy:
A pharmacy or drugstore (1086)
- Physician:
A doctor's office (1341)
- PlaceOfWorship:
Place of worship, such as a church, synagogue, or mosque (578)
- Playground:
A playground (141)
- Plumber:
A plumbing service (270)
- PoliceStation:
A police station (386)
- PostOffice:
A post office (413)
- Preschool:
A preschool (936)
- ProfessionalService:
Provider of professional services (1998)
- PublicSwimmingPool:
A public swimming pool (100)
- RadioStation:
A radio station (9)
- RealEstateAgent:
A real-estate agent (1168)
- RecyclingCenter:
A recycling center (30)
- Restaurant:
A restaurant (4398)
- RoofingContractor:
A roofing contractor (175)
- RVPark:
An RV park (496)
- School:
A school (867)
- SelfStorage:
Self-storage facility (133)
- ShoeStore:
A shoe store (606)
- ShoppingCenter:
A shopping center or mall (226)
- SkiResort:
A ski resort (25)
- SportingGoodsStore:
A sporting goods store (541)
- SportsActivityLocation:
A sports location, such as a playing field (533)
- SportsClub:
A sports club (276)
- StadiumOrArena:
A stadium (65)
- Store:
A retail good store (3205)
- Store/Fruit:
A fruit store (288)
- Store/Meat:
A meat store (360)
- SubwayStation:
A subway station (0)
- Synagogue:
A synagogue (1)
- TattooParlor:
A tattoo parlor (50)
- TaxiStand:
A taxi stand (61)
- TelevisionStation:
A television station (10)
- TennisComplex:
A tennis complex (322)
- Thing/NEC:
Not elsewhere classified (276)
- TireShop:
A tire shop (402)
- TouristAttraction:
A tourist attraction (538)
- TouristInformationCenter:
A tourist information center (155)
- ToyStore:
A toystore (125)
- TrainStation:
A train station (139)
- TravelAgency:
A travel agency (571)
- VeterinaryCare:
A vet's office (203)
- Waterfall:
A waterfall, like Niagara (41)
- WholesaleStore:
A wholesale store (199)
- Winery:
A winery (310)
- Zoo:
A zoo (10)