The Warehouse PapamoaClothing, lingerie, Books, Music, DVDs, Toys, Gaming, Electronics, Homewares, online shopping, hot deals, health & beauty, hardware, Rose & Thorne Stockists, VodafoneShop 01, Papamoa Plaza, 7 Gravatt Road, Papamoa Beach, Papamoa 3118New Zealand Opening Hours: Mon-Sun 8.30am-8pm Fax: (07) 572 0053 Nearest Zenbu Listings
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Zenbu ID 1075943, 1524 views
since 17/11/2006
Last edited 25/06/2015 by zenbu_out010
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Version 9
Mapped with ROOFTOP precision
Latitude, Longitude = -37.699367, 176.28349
Region :
Bay of Plenty
City :
Neighborhood :
Papamoa Beach