Lumino The Dentists - Ponsonby DentistDentist, Tooth Whitening, Cosmetic Dentistry, White Fillings, Crowns, Crowns, Tooth Extractions, Emergency Appointments for Broken Teeth or Tooth Ache, Oral Surgery, Implants, Replacement of Missing Teeth, Wisdom Tooth removal, Composite Veneers114 Ponsonby Rd, Grey Lynn, AucklandNew Zealand Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm, Sat: 8.30am-1pm Nearest Zenbu Listings
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Zenbu ID 1173833, 311 views
since 24/03/2010
Last edited 11/12/2014 by zenbu_out010
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Version 2
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Latitude, Longitude = -36.857366, 174.747838
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Grey Lynn