Dunedin FlowersBeautiful flowers & floral arrangements for weddings, gifts or funerals. Fresh, silk or dried flowers. Florist supplies, gifts, toys, balloons and gift baskets. Floral arrangements delivered anywhere.547 Andersons Bay Rd, South DunedinNew Zealand http://www.dunedinflowers.co.nz/ Opening Hours: 9.00am - 5.30pm Monday- Friday 10.00am - 1.00pm Saturday Email: [email protected] Nearest Zenbu Listings
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Zenbu ID 1175988, 185 views
since 31/05/2010
Last edited 28/04/2011 by dunedinflowers
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Version 2
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Latitude, Longitude = -45.897203, 170.508805
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South Dunedin