Maddison Rose FloristFlorist Interflora, beautiful floral arrangements and bouquets for any occasion, fresh cut flowers, giftware and gift baskets, food baskets, living plants, frames, mirrors, lampsLevel 1, Kiosk 6, Westfield Riccarton, 129 Riccarton Rd, Riccarton, ChristchurchNew Zealand Phone: 03 348 8222, 0273152168 Opening Hours: Mon-Tue-Wed-Sat 9am-6pm, Thu-Fri 9am-9pm, Sun 10am-6pm Nearest Zenbu Listings
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Zenbu ID 1180205, 188 views
since 06/02/2011
Last edited 27/02/2015 by zenbu_out010
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Latitude, Longitude = -43.531096, 172.596974
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