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Find every Child Care in Pukekohe city on Zenbu New Zealand. 8 results

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Child care, Daycare, ECE, Kidicorp, Preschool

First Steps Puni Road


42 Puni Road, Pukekohe

09 238 1633

Mon-Fri 7.30am-6pm

  • Preschool
  • Child Care

Little Pukeko's Pre-School has been providing a warm and nurturing environment for children's care and learning since 2005. Our well qualified, experienced teachers are dedicated to making every child obtain the maximum benefit from their experiences her

Little Pukeko's Pre-School


7 Graham Street, Pukekohe

09 2392272

7.30 am - 5.30 pm

  • Child Care

Prickly Hedgehog Pre-School was the first of the three early childhood education centres in the Pukekohe Pre-Schools "family". Since 2001, the teachers at Prickly Hedgehog Pre-School have been providing a sensitive and supportive atmosphere, where every

Prickly Hedgehog Pre-School


12 Graham Street, Pukekohe

09 2385757

7.30 am - 5.30 pm

  • Child Care

Lollipops are high quality centres, with a natural theme. Lollipops is where your children blossom in partnership with our dedicated teachers, learning through Ako principles.

Lollipops Pukekohe


5 Paerata Road, Pukekohe

09 239 1078

  • Child Care

Childcare Services, Early Childhood Education, Child, Development, Childhood, Education, Learning, Play, Parenting

Pukekohe Playcentre


177 Victoria Street West, Pukekohe

09 238 5561

Mon-Fri 9am-12pm

  • Child Care
  • Educational Organisation

Child care, Daycare, Kindergarten, ECE, Kidicorp

Community Kindy Pukekohe


101 Victoria Street, Pukekohe, Auckland

09 238 4401

Mon-Fri 8am-4.30pm

  • Preschool
  • Child Care

Child care, Daycare, Kindergarten, ECE, Kidicorp

ABC Learning Centre Pukekohe


30 Dublin Street, Pukekohe

09 238 7388

Mon-Fri 7.30am-5.30pm

  • Preschool
  • Child Care

Flying Turtles Transition Centre pioneered the concept in Franklin of a specialist early childhood education centre to prepare 4 year old children for school.

Flying Turtles Pre-School


10 Graham Street, Pukekohe Auckland

09 2388883

7.30 am - 5.30 pm

  • Child Care
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