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Find every Florist in Merivale neighborhood on Zenbu New Zealand. 3 results

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magnolia florist is a french counrtry styled florist. We use rustic blooms and flowers and lush garden floiage to create beautiful bouquets and posies delivered to your door.

magnolia florist


121 papanui road, corner of merivale lane, christchurch

021 535959

mon-fri 8.30am-5.30pm sat-sun 9.30am-1.30pm

  • Florist


The Flower Room


65 Carlton Mill Rd, Christchurch

03 968 4911

  • Florist

Fleur by D.K Floral Design specializes in elegant and unique floral designs in Christchurch. In the heart of Merivale in Christchurch, NZ, there are award-winning floral designers that produce the finest and unique floral designs.

Fleur by D.K Floral Design


2A / 186 Papanui Road, Merivale, Christchurch 8014

03 355 0464

  • Florist
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